# Config file for PvP Elo. Please use in-game commands to modify the plugin's configuration.
# Support the author! https://ko-fi.com/leeneighoff
# Worlds where combat contributes to ranking
# Default: All worlds
- "%all%"
# Should PvP Elo send a message when a player kills/is killed in PVP outside enabled worlds?
disabled-world-message: false
# Elo rating for new players.
# Default: 1000
initial-elo: 1000
# Base adjustment when two players of equal rating fight.
# Default: 75
base-adjustment: 75
# Maximum adjustment possible after a single fight.
# Default: 500
max-adjustment: 500
# The maximum rating ratio between a winner and loser before adjustment is reduced to 0.
# Discourages bullying of low-rated players by high-rated players.
# Default: 5 or 5:1 ratio
max-ratio: 5
# The maximum portion of a victim's elo to adjust by.
# Prevents someone from losing most/all elo in some situations.
# Default: 0.25 or 25% of victim's rating
max-portion: 0.25
# Prefix that appears with every command output.
# Default: "&8[&9PvP Elo&8]&r"
prefix: "&8[&9PvP Elo&8]&r"
# Color for a player's elo in each chat message.
# Default: "&9"
elo-color: "&9"
# Enables nametags support with NametagEdit. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/nametagedit.3836/
# Default: false
nametags: false
# Whether /elo top opens as a GUI or list in chat
# Default: true
leaderboard-gui: true
# Please do not modify elo here.
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