Recent content by Lee

  1. Lee

    Spigot 💦 PvP Elo - Optional world whitelist

    Added the following to support an optional world whitelist: Config options: enabled-worlds (String list) List of worlds where elo tracking is enabled Default: "%all" for all worlds Skips list entries that do not match worlds loaded by the server Let me know if the timing of this check...
  2. Lee

    Server ☕ PvP Elo

    Lee updated PvP Elo with a new update entry: Optional world whitelist Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Lee

    Server ☕ Graylist

    Lee submitted a new resource: Graylist - Simple, effective graylist management. Read more about this resource...
  4. Lee

    Spigot 💦 Graylist 2023.10.08-R1

    Graylisting is very similar to whitelisting, with the exception that a graylisted server allows unlisted players to join with restricted capabilities. The Graylist plugin accomplishes this by putting new players into spectator mode and locking them out of using commands and the chat. This allows...
  5. Lee

    Spigot 💦 PvP Elo 2023.10.15-R1

    PvP Elo adds in a rating system based on PvP performance, measured with an elo score. Defeating a player raises your rating, while dying to a player lowers your rating. The amount of elo lost or gained depends on how your rating stacks up against your opponent. This structure encourages players...
  6. Lee

    Server ☕ PvP Elo

    Lee submitted a new resource: PVPElo - Highly-configurable competitive skill tracking for PVP Read more about this resource...
  7. Lee

    Spigot 💦 ChatPing 2023.10.11-R1

    This is a fairly straightforward plugin - when a player's username is mentioned in chat, it will be highlighted and a sound will be played. Command arguments for /chatping (alias: cping) prefs - personal preferences toggle - toggle pinging, just the sound, or ping by alias sound <Sound.SOUND>...
  8. Lee

    Server ☕ ChatPing

    Lee submitted a new resource: ChatPing - See when you're mentioned in chat! Read more about this resource...
  9. Lee

    Individial Skin 🌎 Outer Worlds Hibernation Suit

    Leeberator submitted a new resource: Outer Worlds Hibernation Suit - Martin Callahan approved! Read more about this resource...
  10. Lee

    Outer Worlds Hibernation Suit 2021-12-12

    Put yourself in the universe of Outer Worlds, in Minecraft! Designed by my friend.
  11. Lee

    Yumi - Code Lyoko 2017-12-23

    I made this years ago, the last time I watched the show.
  12. Lee

    Individial Skin 🌎 Yumi - Code Lyoko

    Leeberator submitted a new resource: Yumi - Code Lyoko - One of the main characters from Code Lyoko Read more about this resource...
  13. Lee

    Ulrich - Code Lyoko 2017-11-17

    I made this years ago, the last time I watched the show.
  14. Lee

    Individial Skin 🌎 Ulrich - Code Lyoko

    Leeberator submitted a new resource: Ulrich - Code Lyoko - One of the main characters from Code Lyoko Read more about this resource...
  15. Lee

    Lee's Split Personality Disorder 2020-04-17

    Messed with different expressions on my regular skin a while back, and figured this would be a great way to test making a skin pack and posting it up here!